Colour Mirrors Logo
Please use the appropriate logo type for the purpose it is designed for as per the individual descriptions.
For the web -
This logo is for websites and emails.
It is 220px by 220px and can be simply copied and pasted to your local document or disk.
This logo is for websites and emails.
It is 220px by 220px and can be simply copied and pasted to your local document or disk.
For home printing, letters and Word documents etc -
This is for home printing use and will print in a Word document at a size of 3.5cm by 3.5 cm.
Again you can copy/paste to your document or disk.
If you require a larger printed size please right-click on either the links below and download the jpg file to your local disk.
Colour Mirrors 9cm home print jpg file
Colour Mirrors 15cm home print jpg file
This is for home printing use and will print in a Word document at a size of 3.5cm by 3.5 cm.
Again you can copy/paste to your document or disk.
If you require a larger printed size please right-click on either the links below and download the jpg file to your local disk.
Colour Mirrors 9cm home print jpg file
Colour Mirrors 15cm home print jpg file
For commercial printing and resizing in graphics programs
The two files below are high definition vector pdfs intended for commercial printers.
These should be downloaded and delivered to your printer as is via USB stick or email.
Printers will prefer the cmyk version.
Colour Mirrors Logo CMYK colour pdf file
Colour Mirrors Logo RGB Colour pdf file
The two files below are high definition vector pdfs intended for commercial printers.
These should be downloaded and delivered to your printer as is via USB stick or email.
Printers will prefer the cmyk version.
Colour Mirrors Logo CMYK colour pdf file
Colour Mirrors Logo RGB Colour pdf file
Colour Mirrors Oils & Essences Images
This images packs are available for your use.
The Oils image sizes are 270 x 320 pixels (complete) - all jpgs.
Please use the link below and save the zip file to your local disk.
Then unpack with a zip program.
Each image is numbered, the number corresponds to the order on the Colour Mirrors Product Page.
Colour Mirrors Oils Images pack 270 x 320 pixels
The Essences image sizes are 270 x 320 pixels - all jpgs.
Please use the link below and save the zip file to your local disk.
Then unpack with a zip program.
Each image is named the same as the Colour Mirrors New Essences Bottle.
Colour Mirrors Essences 270 X 320 pixels pack